Sunday 20 May 2012

Community Farm looking for volunteers

From Sir Robert Geffery’s School and Community Farm, Landrake.

Since the Ironmongers bought us a very overgrown 2 acre field in 2004, the School Farm project has grown enormously. We used pigs initially to root up all the bracken and brambles, and over the years we have fenced the field into about 12 paddocks, built a polytunnel, stable and put a roof over a central learning area. 

The children have been involved in growing plants, feeding the animals and even weighing and selling our popular free range pork and lamb. We currently have 2 Sheep, 2 pigs, poultry ducks and Guinea pigs.

Our latest and very popular addition has been Polly the Donkey. She was very shy when we got her, but is slowly overcoming her shyness and has even walked to church recently.  The children groom her, feed her and even muck her out.

We have also recently acquired (with Lottery help) a life size milkable model of a Cow! We do not have enough land for a real cow, so this gives the younger children a new activity.

We would like to get more of the community involved in this project as many people who do not have children at the school have never seen what we are doing in the field adjoining Lowertown Close.

We need volunteers to help look after the farm at weekends and school holidays. It can involve as little as 30 mins on the morning or afternoon you volunteer. Training will be given, and if you didn’t want to get involved with the animals you could just help weed and water our growing area and polytunnel.

If you would like an initial look around and chat then please contact Andy Moir on 01752 851624 or at, or have a look on Facebook at .

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